Sergiy Roy
Poltava, Ukraine
Conceptual, Surrealism
27.6" X 25.4"
2750 €EUR
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My paintings are not for the "color of the wall".
The choice of style depends on what the artist pursues, and what tasks he puts in his entire creative path. The creative process, and the logical result of this process - this is the revelation of the wizard, this is what goes away from his heart.
My paintings are not for the "color of the walls". I fill them with content, which is called "action". But they should hang on the wall, but be part of a collection of true collectors who appreciate the design and internal content of the painting, its content. They are very different, because I love to experiment.
My paintings are not for the "color of the walls". I approach the idea of ??a future picture as a director for the upcoming film. The content of my paintings is very associative. In them, one should not see, but feel an inner feeling. If the collector has acquired at least one of my paintings, this means that we are in harmony with philosophical attitude to art, and to life in general, we are like-minded people.
My paintings are not for the "color of the walls". They make some thinking. The concept is very simple, and at the same time it is complicated. No one wants to strain himself with excessive physical activity. My paintings are complicated by their concept, but if they make me think (by the recognition of my collectors it is), and not just enjoying only the color or the spot, then this is a success for me.
My paintings are not for the "color of the walls". In my paintings-parables there is a personal thing that does not look like any other - it's symbolism. An artist, as nobody else perceives and feels the world through his prism. In this direction, I am not the only one. Therefore, my style can be attributed to "symbolic conceptualism".
My paintings are not for the "color of the walls", but have the full right to be, but in the open space of this wall, in the central part of it. I assure you, they will not bother you because you want to buy more and more ...
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@ Artblr.
Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. Looking forward to see more.
2018-10-05 08:00:01
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