Olga Bezhina
Krasnodar, Russia
39.37" X 39.37"
Certificat d'authenticité
6500 USD
It is unique author's technology tempo-rhythmic painting. The painting consists of 7 triangular stretchers, connected by a metal pole. Canvas, oil; 100x100 cm.
The picture was painted in August 2015 on the Taman peninsula - the site of the ancient Greek Sind’s city Hermonassa. On one side of the canvas depicts the sunrise in the east, lighting the flame color rhythm. On the other hand - the sunset, west, paint the dying summer day grace dying a few hours of sunlight. In this case, the shape of the web and the image merge with its contextual content. Dichotomy "East-West" brings a colorful mystery of the ancient land. Canvas stretched on a frame on both sides, and is divided into several equal triangles to each other, connected by a metal pole. All of the paintings tend to rotate. Shape involves finding around the canvas, which gives the product of the mediated form of visual art installation. It is worth noting that the work performed in the author's unique technology tempo-rhythmic painting, which allows to consider now, not only in volume and in dynamics, but also to observe changes depending on the incidence of light.
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